October 1st to 31st of December 2015 Feed In Tariff Rates

Written By: nuvision Published In: Photovoltaic Industry News Created Date: 2015-08-04 Hits: 1526

Ofgem have confirmed the latest tariff rates for Solar PV installations installed between October the 1st and December 31st 

Ofgem have confirmed that the ≤4kWp 4-10kWp and 10-50kWp bands will all experience an automatic degression of 3.5% after a period of failing to hit deployment triggers. 

The Stand alone tariff band has also been cut from 4.44p/KwH to 4.28p/kWh 

The confirmed tariffs for the 1st of October are as follows 

System Size  Tariff (pence)
≤4kW  12.47
4kW - 10kW  11.30
10kW - 50kW 11.30
50kW- 100kW 9.63
100kW- 150kW 9.63
150kW-250kW 9.21
250kW+ 5.94
Stand alone  4.28