SolarVenti system design

Written By: nuvision Published In: Created Date: 2017-02-24 Hits: 1513

SolarVenti system design

SolarVenti system design guide

Considerations when designing and quoting a SolarVenti system


The SolarVenti unit is sized based on the m3 volume of the property that is being ventilated. If a property is on the limit we advise going for the larger panel.

You can find the SolarVenti sizing guide at the link here:


Temperature control
If the system is being installed in a home we would usually go for the kit with Regulator as this gives your customer the best control over the temperature.

Another option is to install the kit with simple Switch control and add a room thermostat which also works very well.

The SolarVenti Regulator controls the fan speed and maximum system temperature.


Wall mounting

Wall mounting is the easiest way to install the SolarVenti and it typically takes 2-3 hours depending on the site. The SolarVenti units listed in our web shop include the frame required to mount the unit flush to the wall.


Roof mounting
An additional roof mounting kit is available for mounting a SolarVenti unit flush on the roof. The roof kit is secured to the roof with 4 tile hangers. When mounted flush to the roof the SolarVenti unit will usually sit under 200mm height.

Click here to view the SolarVenti roof parallel mounting kit components for SV7 and SV14 units

The roof mounting kit includes a 5m flex pipe for running from the SolarVenti panel through the loft and into the living area, if the distance is further then an additional 5m flex pipe may be required.

Large properties, basements
For larger properties which are well insulated you may need to fit additional exit vent at the other side of the property, or even an additional fan. Basement systems require some design work and we would be happy to look at the plans and advise which components would be best. Feel free to give us a call on 01404 891 693.
