Introduction to the Nedap Model Range

Written By: nuvision Published In: Nedap Sales and Marketing Created Date: 2015-03-31 Hits: 1302

Which model do I need to install? Find out in this brief article the differences between the various Nedap Models available on the market.

Power Router Solar Battery 

The Power Router Solar Battery is the perfect solution for optimising your self-consumption of solar energy. 

An innotative all in one solution, it consists of a solar inverter and integrated battery manager which provides energy automatically where it is needed: For electrical appliances, the batteries additional consumers or to feed to the grid. 

Intelligent system

The PowerRouter Solar Battery also serves as an backup power supply if the grid fails. And you can easily keep an eye on the entire system using the online montoring function.

More Self-consumption 

By connecting lead acid or lithium-ion batteries, you can increase your level of self-use to 70% with the PowerRouter Solar Battery. That makes you more and more independant. And once you've used the power from the batteries, more is provided from the grid automatically.

This soultion is ideal for new installations.

PowerRouter Unifit 

For universal retrofits to create solar storage systems.

The PowerRouter is a revolutionary retrofit device for all PV, wind and co-generation systems. A battery manager for maximum self consumption, that can be connected to any model of inverter.

Easily upgradeable for energy energy storage   

Now you can easily upgrade your existing system by adding lithium ion batteries for energy storage without having to change your current PV system or limiting or otherwise affecting your existionsystem guarantee. 

More self-consumption 

The new Power Router Unit fit promises you more independence from your energy supplier and from rising energy prices. With optimised energy consumpion of up to 70%. The power router Unifit is an attractive option for all PV systems without power storage. 

Plug and Play

The PowerRouter Unifit can easily be connected to any Solis, SMA, Kostal, Power One, Fronius, Kaco, Solar max. There's no need to modify the existing PV system 

Lots of power lots of colours 

Red, yellow, white, blue grey the PowerRouter Unifit comes in five more colurs as well as the classic PowerRouter green. That means you can match the colour of your new energy centre to the PV inverter you already have.

PowerRouter Solar

The PowerRouter Solar is simply an an inverter without the battery back-up unit. Ideal for people looking to install battery back-up retrospectively with the Nedap unifit system.